Whether the extract of green (meaning unroasted) coffee beans is a possible breakthrough weapon in the fight against obesity or just another risky and momentary example of scientific jumping the gun remains to be seen, but right now the notion is generating plenty of interest and ink based on one extremely promising but extremely limited study. The basics: Sixteen overweight young adults were given a 1,050 milligram dose of green coffee bean extract for six weeks, then a two-week break, then a daily 700 milligram dose for six weeks, then another break, and then a placebo. For some of them, the order was different. The results bowled the researchers over. Without altering their calorie intake, over the full 22 weeks, the volunteers lost an average of 17.5 pounds, reducing their total body weight by 10.5 percent and their average body fat by 16 percent. And as the amount of extract
(too old to reply)
2012-04-09 08:10:01 UTC
Green Coffee Bean Extract: Weight-Loss Miracle or Waste of Time?
And Will It Be Available Both Full-Strength and Decaf?

2012-04-09 18:28:56 UTC
