According to a new ABC/Washington Post poll, 65% of the American
people now disapprove of the president’s handling of gas prices.
Unlike the other candidates, we are leading the fight against
President Obama’s failed energy policies – and winning.
This campaign will continue because of people like Samuel Samford, our
175,000th donor from Jacksonville, Florida. Samuel is currently
unemployed, but he believes so much in our $2.50 gas plan, that he
recently donated $2.50 to our campaign. With over 175,000 donors, our
campaign has been fueled by Americans who believe we need big
solutions to rebuild the America we love. You have my commitment I
will continue to carry that message across the country.
We are well positioned for the second half, but we need your help to
have the necessary resources to be competitive in upcoming states like
Louisiana and Illinois. Please help us continue the fight by making a
generous donation today.
Thank you,