the world loves The Wolverine. Get ready for Australia's favourite son, Hugh Jackman, to get his claws into the next of the Wolverine movie franchise thanks to our friends at Marvel Entertainment, and as we learn, when Hugh's not clawing someone, his enjoys sipping coffee (and even running a coffee shop in New York City). Now Titanic and The Great Gatsby movie star Leonardo DiCaprio is also getting in on the act. Could Bondi Beach or Sydney's CBD be next to get a taste Jackman's own coffee? The Media Man agency with the story... Hugh Jackman, now Leonardo DiCaprio get into coffee and cafe business; Cheers to that... Are you ready for a cup of Hugh Jackman's best coffee? Well, you better be you budding wolverines out there in the suburban woods. Aussie acting and danceman living legend Hugh Jackman recently launched a coffee and tea company that raises money for charity, as well as serving up delicious coffee and other bites.
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Marvel Entertainment: The Wolverine, Hugh Jackman and Leo DiCaprio Cafe,
Coffee and Movie Connection