Hydroponic coffee trees
(too old to reply)
2013-12-15 22:12:33 UTC
I do aquaponics research for colonization of mars/moon. I was going to also test growing coffee in such a system. After all, I think most colonists would love to have coffee. After reading the responses below I think I would use my "turkey baster method" for coffee production. My turkey baster method uses minimal soil such as a soil plug to germinate the seed adding water from the fish tanks to the plant as the soil begins to become to dry. If you want to see an example of a watermelon, sunflower, corn being grown in that method check out "aquarium aquaponics" on facebook. as for the first person who responded to this post, Ernestine didn't know about potato batteries did that make him an idiot? The designer of the C-5 was told that the plane was to big to fly but he designed it anyway. People use to think anything red would kill you if eaten. We use to believe that nothing from earth can grow in the vacuum of space until a mold clogged up a satellite. No one knows everything, and what people know to be certain can be wrong that is why we ask questions.
2016-08-23 14:21:26 UTC
I received 6 coffee plants for Christmas 2 years ago. They were tiny, 2-3 inch high, in a 1 inch pot. I transplanted them into a fogponic system for a year. They thrived and when we moved last year we transferred them into a countertop Aero Garden. They have reached maximum growth height, they are touching the lights, and crowding each other in width. (They stared to branch out after about 4 month in.) I'm pulling the tops out to the side until I can figure out how to plant them in dirt. I'm in the same boat, I've become attached to them. They are beauties, but I know they can't be permanent residence in the Aerogarden, and will never produce in the water. I just don't know how to harden them off without risk of losing them. I put one in a pot when we transferred to hydroponics as a test. If is still alive, but it is still the same sizes out 5 inches tall, no branching, compared to the aeroponic set that is about 15 inches tall, 12 in wide. Any tips here would be appreciated!