2012-04-11 00:49:29 UTC
“Top ten other movies about Mitt Romney” (“Late Show with David
Letterman,” Feb. 21)
10. Dial M For Mitt
9. Mitty Mitty Bang Bang
8. The Mittrix
7. Butch Romney And The Sundance Mitt
6. Mittion: Impossible
5. When Harry Mitt Romney
4. Terms of Endearmitt
3. Mr. Romney Doesn’t Go To Washington
2. Dog On A Hot Car Roof
1. They’re Just Not That Into You
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0312/73618.html#ixzz1rgkTUm4k
Letterman,” Feb. 21)
10. Dial M For Mitt
9. Mitty Mitty Bang Bang
8. The Mittrix
7. Butch Romney And The Sundance Mitt
6. Mittion: Impossible
5. When Harry Mitt Romney
4. Terms of Endearmitt
3. Mr. Romney Doesn’t Go To Washington
2. Dog On A Hot Car Roof
1. They’re Just Not That Into You
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0312/73618.html#ixzz1rgkTUm4k