Just how desperate have I become after surviving most of Lent without eating sweets? I'm huffing inhalable chocolate. It's the trendy product for people in a hurry, or anyone who thinks chewing and swallowing are so last year. After seeing it mentioned in our Food section a while back, I contacted the manufacturer and had them send me some samples for research and ridicule purposes. Soon a box came with a half dozen lipstick-sized tubes of Le Whif containing "whiffable chocolate powder." Also in there were eight AeroShot tubes, dispensers of caffeine in breathable form with a hint of lime. That whole inhalable, whiffable, breathable thing is a misnomer because you're actually puffing flavored powder into your mouth and swallowing it. You don't want this stuff in your lungs. This puts me in a moral quandary. If it's going into my stomach, does it count as a sweet or dessert, which I have sworn off for Lent? Then again, it's 0 calories, 0 fat and 0 carbs. Those are not the
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Inhaling coffee or chocolate? Not a whiff of satisfaction