A coffee cart familiar to City Hall workers and Civic Theatre patrons reopened this week in the downtown community concourse, about four months after its former owner said the Occupy San Diego protests caused her to shutter the business. Ocean Beach residents Jenny Garrett, 35, and Adam Bickel, 32, purchased the cart from previous owner Linda Jenson, who shut the business down last Oct. 24. Jenson said she was threatened by demonstrators and followed home. Garrett said the City Attorney's Office signed off on the lease agreement on Tuesday, and she opened "Ja Java" immediately to take advantage of several days of State Bar examinations in Golden Hall. "It's been great," Garrett said. "People are really excited that it's back open." She said she worked for years in commercial real estate and did catering on the side, and helped Jenson at special events. "This is kind of a dream of mine -- to get out of the corporate world," she said.
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Coffee Cart Shut Down By Occupy Protests Reopens
Former Owner Says Occupy San Diego Protests Caused Her To Close Business
Last Year