Sarah Palin went on Heinity on Thursday to do some sort of to-the-core-
of-the-earth analysis of something Obama-related, god knows what, but
perhaps hugs? (Hannity describes it as a “sort of bit of information,”
which is the closest any conservative has come to admitting how flea-
sized this incident is.) And the gist was Sean Hannity asking Palin
what all “this” “means.” Something something, Obama’s hug of a guy,
“class warfare” and attempts to help the broke suggest that the
president is “bringing us back” to the era in which blacks were
considered to be 3/5 of a person. It’s true, this — wanting equality,
supporting others who do — is a true replica of slavery, you can’t
even tell the two apart.
Some of the exchange:
Hannity: Bleebloopityblahblah?
Palin: He is bringing us back, Sean, to days, uh — you can harken back
to days before the Civil War when unfortunately too many Americans
mistakenly believed that not all men were created equal.