Some foods suffer from a bad reputation even though they are actually quite good for you. Popular diet trends such as low-fat and low-carb diets have written off as no-nos many foods with numerous health benefits. However, science shows that a varied diet that contains lots of whole foods in reasonable portions is probably the best way to go. So drop the guilt and try adding some of these health-promoting foods back into your meal plan. Eggs... Potatoes... Avocados... Corn... Coffee - The caffeine in coffee may help lower the risk of Parkinson's disease, headaches and mood problems. Certain compounds found in coffee help with insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance, which in turn protects against type II diabetes. While it was once believed that coffee was dehydrating, we now know that coffee is a good source of fluid and can count toward our daily fluid requirements. So coffee drinkers can continue to enjoy their morning cup of java guilt-free.
(too old to reply)
2012-03-07 00:36:35 UTC
LeeAnn Weintraub: Eggs, coffee and other foods are healthier than you
may think

2012-03-07 04:11:02 UTC
you WILL tire of this.....
