A cup of coffee and a morning workout may significantly reduce your risk of skin cancer, according to a new animal study presented Tuesday at the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research in Chicago. The researchers, from Rutgers Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, wanted to evaluate the effects of both caffeine and exercise on mice that were at high risk for developing skin cancer. Previous research has shown that mice given either caffeine or an exercise wheel had a reduction in skin cancers. The researchers exposed high risk mice to ultra violet B light, which is known to cause skin cancer, and then gave one group of mice caffeine (in water), one group an exercise wheel, a third group caffeine plus an exercise wheel, and a control group plain water for 14 weeks. Results showed that mice who got a dose of caffeine and exercised on the wheel had 62 percent fewer non-melanoma skin cancers. The size of those tumors also decreased by 85 percent compared with
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Coffee, exercise may decrease risk of skin cancer