REQUEST:Brasilia Lady/Club - Help/Documentation/Manual
(too old to reply)
2006-05-01 10:50:03 UTC
If anyone has any form of documentation on this machine, or is willing
to describe how to operate a Brasilia Lady/Club - I would sincerely
appreciate it as I am purchasing one of these machines tomorrow, with
no Manual however... and do not want to risk doing anything stupid to
such a great machine!

I'm upgrading from a Krups Vivo/Gusto (which by the way can pull one
damned good espresso with good technique) so you can imagine my awe of
such a machine.

Also, any advice on backflushing - I hear this machine has a solenoid
valve so you can backflush it? How safe is this, is cleaner required
and how often do you have to perform such tasks?

Thanks in advance people!
2006-05-01 12:15:29 UTC
Rosito Bisani in L.A. sells Brasilia and should be your 1st source.

rg will help you with backflushing.

Espresso repair SE
2006-05-06 17:26:17 UTC
i´m also trying to get the manual of this coffee machine. if someone
has it, please send it to dmmaestre at gmail.com
2006-05-06 20:00:12 UTC
AFAIK, none of this is on the web.


call Rosito Bisani in LA:

323 - 937-1888 -- that is their phone number.
2006-05-07 08:44:15 UTC
I'd rather not make a call to USA from New Zealand, I'm going to ring
the local importer tomorrow however and see if they can be of any help.
If I do attain a manual, I will endevour to scan and upload the thing -
there's a serious void of information missing for this machine, someone
has to do something to fill it.
2006-05-07 12:37:00 UTC
Post by javahood
I'd rather not make a call to USA from New Zealand, I'm going to ring
the local importer tomorrow however and see if they can be of any help.
If I do attain a manual, I will endevour to scan and upload the thing -
there's a serious void of information missing for this machine, someone
has to do something to fill it.
If you can't find email contacts you'll probably have to make a call
to somewhere outside of New Zealand anyway - either Europe or the US.
Do you have Skype? If so, Skypeout is reasonable - just over 1p per
minute (€ 0.017 or $ 0.021).

If not, and you are on broadband, get Skype anyway - it's free and
worth every penny :)

http://www.gaggia-espresso.com (a purely hobby site)
http://www.dannyscoffee.com (UK advert for my mobile espresso service)
http://www.malabargold.co.uk (UK/European online ordering for Malabar
Gold blend)
swap Z for above characters in email address to reply
2006-05-07 08:46:40 UTC
I'd rather not make a toll call to USA from New Zealand... I am going
to chase up the local importer here in Auckland tomorrow however, and
if I do manage to attain a manual through them - I will endevour to
scan and have it hosted online for all to benefit.
2006-05-07 12:37:55 UTC
Post by javahood
I'd rather not make a toll call to USA from New Zealand... I am going
to chase up the local importer here in Auckland tomorrow however, and
if I do manage to attain a manual through them - I will endevour to
scan and have it hosted online for all to benefit.
Provided you are not breaking any copyright by doing so, I hope.
Always best to get permission anyway.

http://www.gaggia-espresso.com (a purely hobby site)
http://www.dannyscoffee.com (UK advert for my mobile espresso service)
http://www.malabargold.co.uk (UK/European online ordering for Malabar
Gold blend)
swap Z for above characters in email address to reply
2006-05-11 11:31:18 UTC
It works much like any other mid range espresso machine -- like the
Gaggias or Silvia, et al. operational advice is generic. as regards
cleaning descaling etc, etc.

left to right -
1 Power on off -- 2 Pump on off (coffee) -- 3 Water dispense (hold
down) -- 4 Steam (hold down)

Hold the steam button for 15 or 20 seconds -- the 1200 watt element
will get you to steam pronto! then open the black steam valve -- be

I know this cuz I just finished a repair -- pid controller mod. for a
doctor in Virginia.

I do not backflush machines of this type, period..

54 pid silvias
2006-05-13 08:56:21 UTC
Thanks for your replies (everyone). I had no luck at the local
distributor (though that might be because the guy who handles all the
Brasilia side of things wasn't there, seems he spontaneously took a day
off!). Though the trip out there wasn't a total waste as I managed to
buy a backflushing basket - cheaply too I might add.

I took your advice 'Someone' and did send a couple of emails to
Brasilia It. Meanwhile I've actually rigged up my machine (ie. plumbed
it in). Which again wasn't made easy by the fact the supplied plumbing
fit was incompatible, I ended up cutting off the join to the chasis
outlet and sticking my own join in there instead). Everything seems go
so far, but do have a few questions:

1. - Should the singleshot filter be IMPOSSIBLE to get out? It
seriously took me about 45mins to remove the thing, ended up resorting
to using TWO KNIVES on either side of the portafilter to force it out.
I'm pretty sure there are some new knicks outta the thing now too (the
PF)... Seriously traumatized by this - I swore never to insert the
thing again (it made a terrible shot anyho).

2. - Why does water empty out into the drip tray when I press the
"Steam" button!? Is it to make room in the boiler for vapour (which
obviously occupies more space than water..) or is my machine faulty??

3. - What's the deal with the "Hot water" button? I figured it would
let the water flow until the boiler was full and then dispense hot
water through the group - but it turns out the "brew" switch does this.
So my new hypothesis on this thing is that it's simply for pressing
after using the steam function to top the boiler up to the normal level
again, without expelling water like the "Brew" switch does. Can anyone
confirm this?

4. - My steam tip has a two side holes, and one hidden under the shaft
of the thing - about 1cm in from the end.. any advice on using this
kinda tip? I'm pretty baffled by it - having only ever used single
outlet tips on low level machines.

5. - Lastly, there's a small green LED that lights up after the machine
expells water upon holding the steam button down... after a few seconds
it goes off again. I'm guessing this is letting me know it's reached
adequate pressure for steaming? Anyone able to confirm/deny?

Oh, and to DaveB: Why no backflushing? And by "of this type" are you
referring to semi-commercial consumer machines ; Brasilia machines ; or
this particular model?

Thanks in advance anyone who bothers reading all this!
2006-05-11 03:20:36 UTC
I owned a Club and once had this stuff faxed to me from Brasilia
Italy. Send them a fax/email requesting the schematic ad they will
fax/email to you no problem.
Post by d***@gmail.com
i´m also trying to get the manual of this coffee machine. if someone
has it, please send it to dmmaestre at gmail.com
D. Ross
2006-05-14 01:01:55 UTC
"javahood" <***@gmail.com> wrote:

| If anyone has any form of documentation on this machine

It is made by G. Rossi, and is the same machine as the Reneka Duo; Reneka
used to have some info for it (like cleaning procedures) on their website

- David R.
Less information than you ever thought possible:
2006-05-29 09:41:32 UTC
Well, after being ignored by Bisani, brasilia.it, Reneka and ... well I
think that's about it. It turns out the local agent here DID have the

So here it is folks, freshly scanned and available to all!


2017-10-14 21:49:17 UTC
Post by javahood
Well, after being ignored by Bisani, brasilia.it, Reneka and ... well I
think that's about it. It turns out the local agent here DID have the
So here it is folks, freshly scanned and available to all!
Hi Javahood,
I just bought a Brasilia Lady espresso machine and can't find a user manual anywhere. looks like your link isn't working anymore. Do you still own a one?
2017-11-04 01:25:07 UTC
Post by t***@gmail.com
Post by javahood
Well, after being ignored by Bisani, brasilia.it, Reneka and ... well I
think that's about it. It turns out the local agent here DID have the
So here it is folks, freshly scanned and available to all!
Hi Javahood,
I just bought a Brasilia Lady espresso machine and can't find a user manual anywhere. looks like your link isn't working anymore. Do you still own a one?
If you have any questions about the operation, maintenance, etc. I will be happy to tell you what I know. I have owned three Club models over the last 15+ years. The Lady and Club are the same machine except for the design of the exterior (and positioning of controls for valves).