Post by Ed PawlowskiNeed more details.
OTOH, Krups = Krap.
My two year old, $400 espresso/coffee machine is now a paperweight.
The electronics died and Krups has no spare parts. They offered a $10
rebate on a new machine.
Brand names are largely meaningless these days as
they get bought and sold like commodities.
As the "iconic" name for stand mixers, KitchenAid
was well respected, (when built by Hobart, IIRC) and
then when sold, started using nylon gears. "Quieter"
didn't make up for "strips easier than an exotic
dancer" and "assembled in USA" didn't evoke nearly as
many patriotic knee-jerk customers as corporate had
hoped. Ooops! They realized the error (unusual enough
to merit its own story these days!) and went back to
metal gears... possibly too late to undo the damage
to the brand.
I bought the more powerful, larger capacity,
less expensive Cuisinart SM-55 with auto-shutoff and
metal gears. Electronic controls on something as basic
as a mixer may be overkill (albeit appreciated), but
all factors considered, KitchenAid didn't even merit a
second look. (Breville BEM800XL was the other on the
short list.)
The days when you could tell *anything* about a
product from the reputation of its badge are pretty
much gone. These days you have to research each and
every model you might be interested in. I wouldn't
even venture to form an opinion on a model not yet