The way David Schomer, of Espresso Vivace, effuses about Kent Bakke, you would think he buys all his espresso machines from Bakke's La Marzocco factory in Italy. "He's a warmhearted and kind soul, a genuine and helpful person," Schomer said. "He's really been my angel in terms of equipment, and still is. He just brought me 48 sets of grinder burrs [which crush coffee beans before brewing] that are very hard to get." Despite the good feelings, Schomer has not purchased a La Marzocco espresso machine in years. His espresso shops are equipped instead with Synesso machines made in Seattle by Mark Barnett, whom Bakke fired about eight years ago. Even Barnett has kind words for La Marzocco's main shareholder. "His heart is good, and his intentions are always good," said Barnett, whose younger, smaller Synesso has attracted high-end shops like Schomer's that in the past would have bought from Bakke. People in the coffee world revere Bakke, seeing him
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Local coffee world reveres this pioneer